VList data structure in C# (.NET Framework 2.0)

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I've made an implementation of Phil Bagwell's VList data structure in C#, with a fairly comprehensive test suite. It comes in two flavors: VList(of T), where you normally add/remove items at the beginning of the list, and RVList(of T), to which you normally add/remove items at the end. It implements the complete IList(of T) interface plus quite a few additional members including AddRange, InsertRange, RemoveRange, Push, and Pop. Converting a VList to a RVList and vice versa is a trivial O(1) operation that appears to reverse the order of the elements. VList and RVList are value types (structs) that contain a reference to the underlying linked list of arrays (VListBlock(of T)). Small lists (0 to 2 items) are optimized with a specialized block class (VListBlockOfTwo(of T)).

License: Lesser GPL. Contact me at qwertie256, at, gmail.com if you would like the source code. Here's an example usage:
void Example()
 VList<int> oneTwo = new VList<int>(1, 2);
 VList<int> threeFour = new VList<int>(3, 4);
 VList<int> list = oneTwo;
 VList<int> list2 = threeFour;

 ExpectList(list, 1, 2);
 list.InsertRange(1, threeFour);
 ExpectList(list, 1, 3, 4, 2);
 list2.InsertRange(2, oneTwo);
 ExpectList(list2, 3, 4, 1, 2);

 // oneTwo and ThreeFour are unchanged:
 ExpectList(oneTwo, 1, 2);
 ExpectList(threeFour, 3, 4);
static void ExpectList<T>(IList<T> list, params T[] expected)
 Assert.AreEqual(expected.Length, list.Count);
 for (int i = 0; i < expected.Length; i++)
  Assert.AreEqual(expected[i], list[i]);

I thought that I would use the RVList to implement Loyc's AST to help make it possible to take AST snapshots easily, but I now suspect it's not a good idea. I am still working on the problem.

Performance characteristics

Similarly to a persistent linked list, VLists, however, offer some operations that singly-linked lists cannot provide efficiently: Also, VLists can (in the best cases) store data almost as compactly as ordinary arrays.