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Q. How do I invoke LeMP programmatically?

A. There are two ways. Either you can use MacroProcessor directly, or you can use Compiler (see Compiler.cs), which is a wrapper around it. Compiler is designed to read and write files on disk based mainly on command-line arguments, while MacroProcessor is designed mainly to process Loyc trees.

How to use Compiler:

var c = new LeMP.Compiler(MessageSink.Console);
var argList = new List<string>() { @"D:\Dev\Loyc\Core\Tests\Program.cs", "--outext=out.cs" };
var options = c.ProcessArguments(argList, true, true);
// Look for --help in options list
if (!LeMP.Compiler.MaybeShowHelp(options, LeMP.Compiler.KnownOptions))

How to use MacroProcessor: (two ways)

var MP = new LeMP.MacroProcessor(typeof(LeMP.Prelude.BuiltinMacros), MessageSink.Console);
MP.PreOpenedNamespaces.Add((Symbol) "LeMP");
MP.PreOpenedNamespaces.Add((Symbol) "LeMP.Prelude");

// Approach #1: directly feed it Loyc trees
var code = EcsLanguageService.Value.Parse("double Sqrt(notnull double x) ==> Math.Sqrt;");
var output = MP.ProcessSynchronously(LNode.List(code));

// Approach #2: use an InputOutput object (produces an output file by default)
// (this will set the #inputFolder and #inputFileName properties, unlike Approach 1)
UString code = "double Sqrt(notnull double x) ==> Math.Sqrt;";
var io = new LeMP.InputOutput(code, "/Folder/FileName.ecs", EcsLanguageService.Value, 
	EcsLanguageService.Value.Printer, "OutputFile.cs");
// Note: you could call ProcessParallel in case there are multiple input files
MP.ProcessSynchronously(ListExt.Single(io), io2 => {

In either case you’ll probably need references to

LeMP itself references all these plus Loyc.Utilities.dll (for UG.ProcessCommandLineArguments)

Q. My question isn’t here!

You can still ask - reach me by email at, with account name qwertie256, or make an issue on GitHub.