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LeMP: Help Wanted

Task: copy comments to output

Currently, comments are not copied from .ecs or .les files to .cs files. My idea for supporting this is to (1) add a step after the lexer that strips out comments and stores them in a list (sorted by position), and (2) ??? (3) profit! Okay, there is a set of #trivia attributes such as #trivia_SLCommentBefore that add comments on nodes, so one could postprocess the output of the parser to scan the syntax tree while simultaneously scanning the sorted comment list; LNode.ReplaceRecursive will work as a first approximation. The only problem with adding comments to an existing tree is that some of the tree will be discarded and recreated, but usually the majority of the tree will remain unchanged so the performance should be acceptable. Besides, storing comments is a step that could be turned off in speed-critical scenarios.

Another nice feature would be to preserve blank lines in the output; this could be handled similarly to comments, but would require the printer to be modified to support new “#trivia_NewlineBefore” and “#trivia_NewlineAfter” attributes.

Finally, preserving the spacing of the input file would be great feature, but I’ve never thought about how to do it.

Task: make EC# real

Like Pinocchio, Enhanced C# wants to be real: not just a single-file generator, but its own proper project type with member completion and all that! Then again, maybe people really do prefer the single-file generator approach - if it’s officially a C# project, a “virgin” copy of Visual Studio 2015 will be able to open it - it’s just that they just want IntelliSense, and red squiggly underlined errors in the EC# file.

In either case, the first thing we need is someone to help make a Roslyn back-end for LeMP. In other words, I want to convert the output of LeMP into a Microsoft Roslyn syntax tree and compile it with the Roslyn C# 6 compiler. Once that exists, the next step might be to write a Visual Studio extension that introduces a new “Enhanced C# project type” that uses LeMP as the front-end and Roslyn C# as the backend. An EC# project type could allow *.ecs files to enjoy IntelliSense just like plain C#! It should also allow mixed C#-EC# projects, in which the *.cs files use Roslyn directly; both file types should be first-class citizens.

I do not have time to do all of this myself, my TO-DO list is full, so if nobody else volunteers, it won’t happen. If you want to do this project, I will happily teach you whatever you need to now about LeMP; learning about Roslyn will be your responsibility, and I only know the basics of writing Visual Studio extensions (having written the syntax highlighter for *.ecs).

Task: add LINQ support

The Enhanced C# parser still doesn’t support “from x in y” expressions. Edit /Main/Ecs/Parser/EcsParserGrammar.les to add a grammar for LINQ (search for “LINQ” and find the part that needs to be filled in). Remember to ask me for advice.

Task: write VB.NET printer

Write a class that prints Enhanced C# Loyc trees as VB.NET code. Since VB.NET and C# have the same type system (including generics), this will mostly be a straightforward (if time-consuming) task. There are a few differences where VB.NET allows something that Enhanced C# doesn’t or vice versa; we should discuss these issues on GitHub as they come up.

Once a VB.NET printer exists, two cool things will be possible:

  1. In a VB project, you can insert C# code in a .ecs file and it will almost seamlessly integrate with the VB code - the VB code can call the C# code and vice versa, with no need to create a separate assembly for your C# code.
  2. You will be able to use all the features of LeMP in your VB project (albeit you’ll have to use C# syntax, unless somebody writes a VB parser too… alternately, one could use the Roslyn VB parser and write a converter from Roslyn VB trees to Loyc trees).

The best example of an existing printer is LesNodePrinter (EcsNodePrinter is much too complex to base your printer on, and if I were to write it again, there would be some simplifications). Of course, now that matchCode exists, your printer can take advantage of it to deconstruct Loyc trees… or you could extend the existing validation code in EcsValidators to do deconstruction, too (e.g. extracting the class name and base classes from a class/struct/enum or other so-called “space declaration”). Note: I suspect that a good printer should use a data structure called a “rope” string so it can make smart decisions about line breaks and spacing, but I have not tried that approach before.

Task: write JavaScript or C++ printer

Write a class that prints Loyc trees as C++, JavaScript or Swift code, so that in the future LLLPG and LeMP can produce code in those languages. Since no one has defined a mapping between Loyc trees and these languages before, the first step is to plan out how each Javascript or C++ or Swift construct will be represented as a Loyc tree.

Sometimes you can just use the same mapping as Enhanced C#, and sometimes you’ll have to extend it or modify it. For example, a C# class has a Loyc tree like this:

class ClassName : BaseClass { Body; }       // EC# code
#class(ClassName, #(BaseClass), { Body; }); // LES code

a very similar mapping might work well for C++:

class ClassName : public BaseClass { Body; };      // C++ code
#class(ClassName, #(public BaseClass), { Body; }); // LES code

but what to do about ClassName {} Foo;? One possible solution is to nest the class declaration inside a variable declaration:

class ClassName : public BaseClass { Body; } Foo;
#var(#class(ClassName, #(public BaseClass), { Body; }), Foo);

Designing a good and complete mapping could be pretty hard for C++, but JavaScript by contrast should be quite straightforward.

Task: catalog bugs in EC# parser

Could someone write a test program that looks for bugs in the Enhanced C# parser?

  1. Recursively searches a directory for *.cs files and
  2. Parses each one with code like this, printing out all errors to the console:
var stream = File.Open(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)
var chars = new StreamCharSource(stream);
IListSource<LNode> statements = EcsLanguageService.Parse(
   chars, path, MessageSink.Console, ParsingService.File);
  1. Copy all files to a second folder, but with all *.cs files replaced by the output of EcsLanguageService.Parse (something like File.WriteAllText(newPath, EcsLanguageService.Value.Print (chars, MessageSink.Console)). This way you can try compiling the output, to verify that the printer works properly.

Finally, if you could hire me to do “consulting” work for you, it would be appreciated since I am currently unemployed. Even though my TO-DO list is full. Making FOSS is a full-time job™.

Task: documentation system

XML doc comments are really clunky (I can’t use &? Can’t write List<T>?!), and the tools for making documentation out of them are equally clunky. Doxygen isn’t a great alternative either, since it often misinterprets XML doc comments by assuming you really wanted to use doxygen parsing rules (sometimes an @ is just an @).

We should allow developers to transition to a new doc comment system by supporting both xml doc comments, and a new system of some kind, perhaps one based on Markdown.

Once comments are associated with nodes in the syntax tree, the next step would be to write a program that scans a directory full of source files and either

  1. Builds a tree of namespaces, classes, methods, fields, properties, and events; this tree can be used for lookup by the documentation system, but it would also help with other code analysis tasks.
  2. Alternately, if someone writes a Roslyn back-end, Roslyn will build its own tree of namespaces, classes, methods, fields, properties, and events.

Once this tree exists, you can scan it for doc comments and produce nice HTML and/or Markdown output.

Task: talk to the lonely guy

What’s missing from Enhanced C#? Can that feature be done with a macro? Tell me about your ideas or any macros you’ve made. My email address is on the home page.

P.S. a shout out to the srclib project. I wish I had time to implement the Visual Studio version!