Enhanced C#
Language of your choice: library documentation
▼NLeMP | The lexical macro processor. Main classes: LeMP.Compiler and LeMP.MacroProcessor. |
NPrelude | Defines prelude macros, which are predefined macros that normally do not have to be explicitly imported before use (in LES or EC#). |
NTest | |
▼NLoyc | Main Loyc namespace. This namespace includes all general-purpose code in the Loyc megaproject. It includes the code of Loyc.Essentials.dll and Loyc.Collections.dll (collections, geometry, MiniTest, MessageSink, etc.), and also the code of Loyc.Syntax.dll. |
▼NCollections | Contains general-purpose interfaces (Loyc.Collections.IListSource{T}, ranges, etc.), collection implementations (Loyc.Collections.DList{T}, Loyc.Collections.WeakValueDictionary{K,V}, etc.), extension methods (Loyc.Collections.LCExt, Loyc.Collections.EnumerableExt, etc.), helper classes (Loyc.Collections.EmptyList{T}, (Loyc.Collections.Repeated{T}, etc.), and adapter classes (Loyc.Collections.ListSlice{T}, Loyc.Collections.BufferedSequence{T}, etc.). |
▼NImpl | Contains helper classes and base classes for implementing collections (Loyc.Collections.Impl.InternalList{T}, Loyc.Collections.Impl.ListExBase{T}, Loyc.Collections.Impl.ListSourceBase{T}, etc.) Also contains the AList and CPTrie node classes, which perhaps should not be public ... |
NOld | |
NCompatibility | Important interfaces of newer .NET versions than the version for which Loyc was compiled |
▼NEcs | |
NParser | Enhanced C# parser |
NGeometry | Contains math code and data types for processing geometry (points, lines, polygons, etc.). Basic geometry stuff is in Loyc.Essentials.dll, while more advanced algorithms are found in Loyc.Utilities.dll. |
NLLParserGenerator | Code related to LLLPG, the Loyc LL(k) Parser Generator (LLLPG.exe). |
NMath | Contains general-purpose math algorithms beyond what is provided in the .NET BCL (Base Class Library). Notable class: Math.MathEx. |
NMiniTest | A stripped-down NUnit lookalike which allows you to put simple unit tests in an assembly without having to add a reference to NUnit.Framework.dll . |
▼NSyntax | Loyc.Syntax.dll: contains Loyc trees (Loyc.Syntax.LNode), lexing stuff, LLLPG base classes (BaseParser{T} and BaseLexer), the LES parser and printer, data types related to source code management (e.g. ISourceFile, SourceRange) and other general-purpose code related to the manipulation of syntax |
NLes | Contains classes related to Loyc Expression Syntax (LES), including the parser and printer (reachable through Loyc.Syntax.Les.LesLanguageService). |
NLexing | Contains classes related to lexical analysis, such as the universal token type (Loyc.Syntax.Lexing.Token) and Loyc.Syntax.Lexing.TokensToTree. |
NThreading | Helper classes for multithreaded code. |
NUtilities | Contains general-purpose classes that are not considered important enough to go directly into the Loyc namespace. Most of the classes in this namespace are defined in Loyc.Utilities.dll. |
▼NSystem | |
▼NCollections | |
NGeneric | |
▼NWindows | |
NForms | |
NTextEditor |