
I would just like to thank Chris, Shawn, and Jonathan, who emailed in support of my work after my last blog post. While you guys don’t have time right now to help develop Loyc or Enhanced C#, it’s nice to know there are people reading and liking my blog!

While I was “retired” from Loyc in the past couple of months, I started the Ungglish project, but then I thought “hmm, maybe I should study NLP first”. But I didn’t know how to study NLP, and then I got distracted for quite some time investigating climate science instead. And then there was the matter of my 13A marriage VISA being denied in the Philippines…

Anyway, now I’ve worked up the nerve to resume work, a bit, on Loyc stuff - hopefully I’ll soon finalize LESv3 and publish an installer for Visual Studio 2017 (it looks like the old installer will have to be thrown out and replaced with a vsix installer, but the good thing is that the syntax highlighting can now be in the same package as the single-file generator, which is not only more convenient for users, but will also avoid a versioning problem that likes to happen when you upgrade.)

I also published a graphing calculator on CodeProject as a way of showing off LES.

Another thing I’d like to do is to publish an article about making a macro for rapid prototyping in C#. I’m thinking you could write code like

using static Console;

static Globals {
    fn Square(x) => x*x;
	fn Swap(ref a, ref b)
		var tmp = a;
		a = b;
		b = tmp;
Foo {
    public this(public string Msg) {}
    m Quack() { WriteLine(Msg); }

where fn = function (static) and m = member (nonstatic), with public as the default visibility, and get code like this out of it:

using static Console;

static partial class Globals {
    public static dynamic Square(dynamic x) => x*x;
	public static void Swap(ref dynamic a, ref dynamic b)
		var tmp = a;
		a = b;
		b = tmp;
partial class Foo {
    public string Msg;
    public Foo(string msg) { Msg = msg; }
    public void Quack() { WriteLine(Msg); }