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Loyc.Collections.Impl.CPByteTrie< TValue >.Enumerator Class Reference

Source file:
Inheritance diagram for Loyc.Collections.Impl.CPByteTrie< TValue >.Enumerator:
Loyc.Collections.Impl.CPByteTrie< TValue > Loyc.Collections.Impl.CPByteTrie< TValue > Loyc.Collections.CPTrie< T > Loyc.Collections.CPTrie< T >


new KeyValuePair< byte[], TValue > Current [get]
new TValue CurrentValue [get]
new byte[] CurrentKey [get]
- Properties inherited from Loyc.Collections.Impl.CPByteTrie< TValue >
ICollection< byte[]> Keys [get]
CPValueCollection< TValue > Values [get]
new int Count [get]
bool IsReadOnly [get]
bool IsEmpty [get]

Protected Member Functions

 Enumerator (CPTrie< TValue > trie)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Loyc.Collections.CPTrie< T >
bool Find (ref KeyWalker key, CPEnumerator< T > e)
bool Find (ref KeyWalker key, ref T value)
 Retrieves the value associated with the specified key; does nothing if the key does not exist. More...
bool ContainsKey (ref KeyWalker key)
bool Set (ref KeyWalker key, ref T value, CPMode mode)
 Associates the specified value with the specified key. More...
bool Remove (ref KeyWalker key, ref T value)
 Removes the specified key and associated value. More...
bool Remove (ref KeyWalker key)
void Clear ()
int CountMemoryUsage (int sizeOfT)
 Calculates the memory usage of this object, assuming a 32-bit architecture. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public fields inherited from Loyc.Collections.Impl.CPByteTrie< TValue >
TValue this[byte[] key
 Finds the specified key and returns its associated value. If the key did not exist, TryGetValue returns defaultValue instead. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Loyc.Collections.Impl.CPByteTrie< TValue >
 CPByteTrie (CPTrie< TValue > clone)
new int CountMemoryUsage (int sizeOfT)
void Add (byte[] key, TValue value)
 Adds the specified key-value pair to the trie, throwing an exception if the key is already present. More...
void Add (byte[] key, int offset, int length, TValue value)
 Adds the specified key-value pair to the trie, throwing an exception if the key is already present. More...
bool TryAdd (byte[] key, TValue value)
 Adds the specified key-value pair only if the specified key is not already present in the trie. More...
bool TryAdd (byte[] key, int offset, int length, TValue value)
bool TryAdd (byte[] key, int offset, int length, ref TValue value)
 Adds the specified key-value pair only if the specified key is not already present in the trie. More...
bool ContainsKey (byte[] key)
 Searches for the specified key, returning true if it is present in the trie. More...
bool ContainsKey (byte[] key, int offset, int length)
 Searches for the specified key, returning true if it is present in the trie. More...
bool Remove (byte[] key)
 Removes the specified key and associated value, returning true if the entry was found and removed. More...
bool Remove (byte[] key, int offset, int length)
bool Remove (byte[] key, int offset, int length, ref TValue oldValue)
 Removes the specified key and associated value, returning true if the entry was found and removed. More...
bool TryGetValue (byte[] key, out TValue value)
 Finds the specified key and gets its associated value, returning true if the key was found. More...
bool TryGetValue (byte[] key, int offset, int length, out TValue value)
void Add (KeyValuePair< byte[], TValue > item)
new void Clear ()
bool Contains (KeyValuePair< byte[], TValue > item)
void CopyTo (KeyValuePair< byte[], TValue >[] array, int arrayIndex)
bool Remove (KeyValuePair< byte[], TValue > item)
Enumerator GetEnumerator ()
Enumerator FindAtLeast (byte[] key)
Enumerator FindExact (byte[] key)
bool Find (byte[] key, out Enumerator e)
bool Find (byte[] key, int offset, int length, out Enumerator e)
CPByteTrie< TValue > Clone ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from Loyc.Collections.CPTrie< T >
 CPTrie (CPTrie< T > copy)
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from Loyc.Collections.CPTrie< T >
static StringBuilder BytesToStringBuilder (byte[] key, int keyLength)
- Protected static fields inherited from Loyc.Collections.CPTrie< T >
static Comparer< T > DefaultComparer = Comparer<T>.Default