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Base class of all nodes that represent calls such as f(x)
, operator calls such as x + y
, braced blocks, and all other things that are not simple symbols and literals.
Base class of all nodes that represent calls such as f(x)
, operator calls such as x + y
, braced blocks, and all other things that are not simple symbols and literals.
Properties | |
sealed override LNodeKind | Kind [get] |
override Symbol | Name [get] |
override object | Value [get] |
abstract override LNode | Target [get] |
abstract override VList< LNode > | Args [get] |
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virtual SourceRange | Range [get] |
Returns the location and range in source code of this node. More... | |
ISourceFile | Source [get] |
Returns the source file (shortcut for Range.Source ). More... | |
NodeStyle | Style [get, set] |
Indicates the preferred style to use when printing the node to a text string. More... | |
NodeStyle | BaseStyle [get, set] |
virtual VList< LNode > | Attrs [get] |
Returns the attribute list for this node. More... | |
virtual bool | IsFrozen [get] |
Returns true if the node is immutable, and false if any part of it can be edited. Currently, mutable nodes are not implemented. More... | |
abstract LNodeKind | Kind [get] |
Returns the LNodeKind: Symbol, Literal, or Call. More... | |
bool | IsCall [get] |
bool | IsId [get] |
bool | IsLiteral [get] |
abstract Symbol | Name [get] |
Returns the Symbol if IsId. If this node is a call (IsCall) and Target.IsId is true, this property returns Target.Name . In all other cases, the name is GSymbol.Empty. Shall not return null. More... | |
bool | HasSpecialName [get] |
Returns true if Name starts with '#'. More... | |
bool | HasValue [get] |
abstract object | Value [get] |
Returns the value of a literal node, or NoValue.Value if this node is not a literal (IsLiteral is false). More... | |
abstract LNode | Target [get] |
Returns the target of a method call, or null if IsCall is false. The target can be a symbol with no name (GSymbol.Empty) to represent a parenthesized expression, if there is one argument. More... | |
abstract VList< LNode > | Args [get] |
Returns the argument list of this node. Always empty when IsCall==false . More... | |
static LNodePrinter | Printer [get, set] |
Gets or sets the default node printer on the current thread, which controls how nodes are serialized to text by default. More... | |
virtual object | TriviaValue [get] |
Gets the value of Args[0].Value , if Args[0] exists; otherwise, returns NoValue.Value. More... | |
bool | HasTokenValue [get] |
int | ArgCount [get] |
int | AttrCount [get] |
bool | HasAttrs [get] |
bool | IsTrivia [get] |
int | Min [get] |
virtual int | Max [get] |
LNode | this[int index] [get] |
int | Count [get] |
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object | Location [get] |
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T | Value [get] |
Public Member Functions | |
override LNode | WithName (Symbol name) |
Creates a node with a new value for Name. More... | |
override LiteralNode | WithValue (object value) |
Creates a new literal node with a different Value than the current literal node. More... | |
override CallNode | WithArgs (VList< LNode > args) |
Creates a Node with a new argument list. If this node is not a call, a new node is created using this node as its target. Otherwise, the existing argument list is replaced. More... | |
sealed override void | Call (LNodeVisitor visitor) |
sealed override void | Call (ILNodeVisitor visitor) |
abstract override LNode | Clone () |
Creates a copy of the node. Since nodes are immutable, there is little reason for an end-user to call this, but Clone() is used internally as a helper method by the WithXyz() methods. More... | |
abstract override LNode | WithAttrs (VList< LNode > attrs) |
override bool | Equals (LNode b, bool compareStyles) |
Compares two nodes for structural equality. Two green nodes are considered equal if they have the same name, the same value, the same arguments, and the same attributes. IsCall must be the same, but they need not have the same values of SourceWidth or IsFrozen. More... | |
override bool | Calls (Symbol name, int argCount) |
override bool | Calls (string name, int argCount) |
override bool | Calls (Symbol name) |
override bool | Calls (string name) |
override bool | CallsMin (Symbol name, int argCount) |
override bool | CallsMin (string name, int argCount) |
override bool | HasSimpleHead () |
Returns true if this is not a call, or if the call's Target is an Id or a Literal. More... | |
override bool | HasSimpleHeadWithoutPAttrs () |
Returns true if this is not a call, or if the call's Target is an Id or a Literal, and the Target has only trivia attributes. More... | |
override LNode | WithArgs (Func< LNode, Maybe< LNode >> selector) |
sealed override LNode | Select (Func< LNode, LNode > selector) |
Transforms the attributes, Target, and parameters of an LNode, returning another LNode of the same Kind. If the selector makes no changes, Select() returns this . More... | |
override LNode | ReplaceRecursive (Func< LNode, LNode > matcher, bool replaceRoot=true) |
Performs a recursive find-and-replace operation, by attempting to replace each child (among Attrs, Target, Args) using the specified selector. This method can also be used for simple searching, by giving a selector that always returns null. More... | |
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LNode | SetBaseStyle (NodeStyle s) |
LNode | SetStyle (NodeStyle s) |
virtual CallNode | WithTarget (LNode target) |
virtual CallNode | WithTarget (Symbol name) |
virtual CallNode | With (LNode target, VList< LNode > args) |
Creates a CallNode with the same attributes and Range, but a different target and argument list. If the current node is not a CallNode, it becomes one (the Range, Style and attributes of the current node are kept, but the Kind, Value, and Name are discarded.) More... | |
virtual CallNode | With (Symbol target, VList< LNode > args) |
Creates a CallNode with the same attributes and Range, but a different target and argument list. If the current node is not a CallNode, it becomes one (the Range, Style and attributes of the current node are kept, but the Kind, Value, and Name are discarded.) More... | |
CallNode | With (Symbol target, params LNode[] args) |
LNode | WithRange (SourceRange range) |
LNode | WithRange (int startIndex, int endIndex) |
LNode | WithStyle (NodeStyle style) |
virtual LNode | With (SourceRange range, NodeStyle style) |
virtual LNode | WithoutAttrs () |
LNode | WithAttrs (params LNode[] attrs) |
CallNode | WithArgs (params LNode[] args) |
LNode | PlusAttr (LNode attr) |
LNode | PlusAttrs (VList< LNode > attrs) |
LNode | PlusAttrs (IEnumerable< LNode > attrs) |
LNode | PlusAttrs (params LNode[] attrs) |
LNode | PlusArg (LNode arg) |
LNode | PlusArgs (VList< LNode > args) |
LNode | PlusArgs (IEnumerable< LNode > args) |
LNode | PlusArgs (params LNode[] args) |
LNode | WithArgChanged (int index, LNode newValue) |
LNode | WithAttrChanged (int index, LNode newValue) |
virtual string | Print (object mode=null, string indentString="\t", string lineSeparator="\n") |
override string | ToString () |
bool | Equals (LNode other) |
override bool | Equals (object other) |
override int | GetHashCode () |
Gets the hash code based on the structure of the tree. More... | |
bool | HasPAttrs () |
VList< LNode > | PAttrs () |
LNode | WithAttrs (Func< LNode, Maybe< LNode >> selector) |
virtual bool | IsIdWithoutPAttrs () |
virtual bool | IsIdWithoutPAttrs (Symbol name) |
virtual bool | IsIdNamed (Symbol name) |
virtual bool | IsIdNamed (string name) |
virtual bool | IsParenthesizedExpr () |
CallNode | WithSplicedArgs (int index, LNode from, Symbol listName) |
CallNode | WithSplicedArgs (LNode from, Symbol listName) |
LNode | WithSplicedAttrs (int index, LNode from, Symbol listName) |
LNode | WithSplicedAttrs (LNode from, Symbol listName) |
NestedEnumerable < DescendantsFrame, LNode > | Descendants (NodeScanMode mode=NodeScanMode.YieldAllChildren) |
NestedEnumerable < DescendantsFrame, LNode > | DescendantsAndSelf () |
LNode | TryGet (int index, out bool fail) |
IRange< LNode > | Slice (int start, int count=int.MaxValue) |
IEnumerator< LNode > | GetEnumerator () |
Protected Member Functions | |
CallNode (LNode ras) | |
CallNode (SourceRange range, NodeStyle style) | |
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LNode (LNode prototype) | |
LNode (SourceRange range, NodeStyle style) | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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static readonly EmptySourceFile | SyntheticSource = new EmptySourceFile("<Synthetic Code>") |
static readonly IdNode | Missing = Id(CodeSymbols.Missing) |
static readonly LNode | InParensTrivia = Id(CodeSymbols.TriviaInParens) |
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static IdNode | Id (Symbol name, LNode prototype) |
static IdNode | Id (string name, LNode prototype) |
static IdNode | Id (VList< LNode > attrs, Symbol name, LNode prototype) |
static IdNode | Id (VList< LNode > attrs, string name, LNode prototype) |
static LiteralNode | Literal (object value, LNode prototype) |
static LiteralNode | Literal (VList< LNode > attrs, object value, LNode prototype) |
static CallNode | Call (Symbol name, LNode prototype) |
static CallNode | Call (LNode target, LNode prototype) |
static CallNode | Call (Symbol name, VList< LNode > args, LNode prototype) |
static CallNode | Call (LNode target, VList< LNode > args, LNode prototype) |
static CallNode | Call (VList< LNode > attrs, Symbol name, VList< LNode > args, LNode prototype) |
static CallNode | Call (VList< LNode > attrs, LNode target, VList< LNode > args, LNode prototype) |
static CallNode | Trivia (Symbol name, object value, LNode prototype) |
static LNode | InParens (LNode node) |
static IdNode | Id (Symbol name, SourceRange range, NodeStyle style=NodeStyle.Default) |
static IdNode | Id (string name, SourceRange range, NodeStyle style=NodeStyle.Default) |
static IdNode | Id (VList< LNode > attrs, Symbol name, SourceRange range, NodeStyle style=NodeStyle.Default) |
static IdNode | Id (VList< LNode > attrs, string name, SourceRange range, NodeStyle style=NodeStyle.Default) |
static LiteralNode | Literal (object value, SourceRange range, NodeStyle style=NodeStyle.Default) |
static LiteralNode | Literal (VList< LNode > attrs, object value, SourceRange range, NodeStyle style=NodeStyle.Default) |
static CallNode | Call (Symbol name, SourceRange range, NodeStyle style=NodeStyle.Default) |
static CallNode | Call (LNode target, SourceRange range, NodeStyle style=NodeStyle.Default) |
static CallNode | Call (Symbol name, VList< LNode > args, SourceRange range, NodeStyle style=NodeStyle.Default) |
static CallNode | Call (LNode target, VList< LNode > args, SourceRange range, NodeStyle style=NodeStyle.Default) |
static CallNode | Call (VList< LNode > attrs, Symbol name, VList< LNode > args, SourceRange range, NodeStyle style=NodeStyle.Default) |
static CallNode | Call (VList< LNode > attrs, LNode target, VList< LNode > args, SourceRange range, NodeStyle style=NodeStyle.Default) |
static CallNode | Trivia (Symbol name, object value, SourceRange range, NodeStyle style=NodeStyle.Default) |
static LNode | InParens (LNode node, SourceRange range) |
static IdNode | Id (Symbol name, ISourceFile file=null, int position=-1, int width=-1) |
static IdNode | Id (string name, ISourceFile file=null, int position=-1, int width=-1) |
static IdNode | Id (VList< LNode > attrs, Symbol name, ISourceFile file=null, int position=-1, int width=-1) |
static IdNode | Id (VList< LNode > attrs, string name, ISourceFile file=null, int position=-1, int width=-1) |
static LiteralNode | Literal (object value, ISourceFile file=null, int position=-1, int width=-1, NodeStyle style=NodeStyle.Default) |
static LiteralNode | Literal (VList< LNode > attrs, object value, ISourceFile file=null, int position=-1, int width=-1, NodeStyle style=NodeStyle.Default) |
static CallNode | Call (Symbol name, ISourceFile file=null, int position=-1, int width=-1, NodeStyle style=NodeStyle.Default) |
static CallNode | Call (LNode target, ISourceFile file=null, int position=-1, int width=-1, NodeStyle style=NodeStyle.Default) |
static CallNode | Call (Symbol name, VList< LNode > args, ISourceFile file=null, int position=-1, int width=-1, NodeStyle style=NodeStyle.Default) |
static CallNode | Call (LNode target, VList< LNode > args, ISourceFile file=null, int position=-1, int width=-1, NodeStyle style=NodeStyle.Default) |
static CallNode | Call (VList< LNode > attrs, Symbol name, VList< LNode > args, ISourceFile file=null, int position=-1, int width=-1, NodeStyle style=NodeStyle.Default) |
static CallNode | Call (VList< LNode > attrs, LNode target, VList< LNode > args, ISourceFile file=null, int position=-1, int width=-1, NodeStyle style=NodeStyle.Default) |
static CallNode | Trivia (Symbol name, object value, ISourceFile file=null, int position=-1, int width=-1, NodeStyle style=NodeStyle.Default) |
static LNode | InParens (LNode node, ISourceFile file=null, int position=-1, int width=-1) |
static VList< LNode > | List () |
static VList< LNode > | List (LNode list_0) |
static VList< LNode > | List (LNode list_0, LNode list_1) |
static VList< LNode > | List (params LNode[] list) |
static VList< LNode > | List (IEnumerable< LNode > list) |
static VList< LNode > | List (VList< LNode > list) |
static PushedPrinter | PushPrinter (LNodePrinter printer) |
Helps you change printers temporarily. Usage in C#: using (LNode.PushPrinter(myPrinter)) { ... } More... | |
static bool | Equals (LNode a, LNode b, bool compareStyles=false) |
static bool | Equals (VList< LNode > a, VList< LNode > b, bool compareStyles=false) |
Compares two lists of nodes for structural equality. More... | |
static LNode | MergeLists (LNode node1, LNode node2, Symbol listName) |
Some CallNodes are used to represent lists. This method merges two nodes, forming or appending a list (see remarks). More... | |
static LNode | MergeBinary (LNode node1, LNode node2, Symbol binaryOpName) |
Combines two nodes using a binary operator or function. More... | |
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static void | NoNulls (VList< LNode > list, string propName) |
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RangeAndStyle | RAS |
pure virtual |
Creates a copy of the node. Since nodes are immutable, there is little reason for an end-user to call this, but Clone() is used internally as a helper method by the WithXyz() methods.
Implements Loyc.Syntax.LNode.
inlinevirtual |
Compares two nodes for structural equality. Two green nodes are considered equal if they have the same name, the same value, the same arguments, and the same attributes. IsCall must be the same, but they need not have the same values of SourceWidth or IsFrozen.
compareStyles | Whether to compare values of Style |
Position information (Range) is not compared.
Implements Loyc.Syntax.LNode.
References Loyc.Syntax.LNode.Args, Loyc.Syntax.LNode.Attrs, Loyc.Syntax.LNode.Kind, Loyc.Syntax.LNode.Style, and Loyc.Syntax.LNode.Target.
inlinevirtual |
Returns true if this is not a call, or if the call's Target is an Id or a Literal.
Reimplemented from Loyc.Syntax.LNode.
inlinevirtual |
Returns true if this is not a call, or if the call's Target is an Id or a Literal, and the Target has only trivia attributes.
Reimplemented from Loyc.Syntax.LNode.
inlinevirtual |
Performs a recursive find-and-replace operation, by attempting to replace each child (among Attrs, Target, Args) using the specified selector. This method can also be used for simple searching, by giving a selector that always returns null.
selector | The selector is called for each descendant, and optionally the root node. If the selector returns a node, the new node replaces the node that was passed to selector and the children of the new node are ignored. If the selector returns null, children of the child are scanned recursively. |
replaceRoot | Whether to call selector(this) . |
If replaceFunc
always returns null (or if replaceRoot
is false and the root has no children), ReplaceRecursive
returns this
Implements Loyc.Syntax.LNode.
Transforms the attributes, Target, and parameters of an LNode, returning another LNode of the same Kind. If the selector makes no changes, Select() returns this
The selector is not allowed to return null.
Implements Loyc.Syntax.LNode.
Creates a Node with a new argument list. If this node is not a call, a new node is created using this node as its target. Otherwise, the existing argument list is replaced.
args | New argument list |
Implements Loyc.Syntax.LNode.
Creates a node with a new value for Name.
If IsId, the Name is simply changed. If IsCall, this method returns the equivalent of WithTarget(Target.WithName(name))
(which may be optimized for the particular call type). If IsLiteral, the Kind changes to LNodeKind.Id in order to set the name.
Reimplemented from Loyc.Syntax.LNode.
inlinevirtual |
Creates a new literal node with a different Value than the current literal node.
InvalidOperationException | The node was not a literal already. |
Implements Loyc.Syntax.LNode.