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Loyc.Syntax.Lexing.BaseLexer< CharSrc >.SavePosition Struct Reference

A helper class used by LLLPG for backtracking. More...

Source file:
Inheritance diagram for Loyc.Syntax.Lexing.BaseLexer< CharSrc >.SavePosition:
Loyc.Syntax.Lexing.BaseLexer< CharSrc > Loyc.Syntax.IIndexToLine


A helper class used by LLLPG for backtracking.

Public fields

BaseLexer< CharSrc > _lexer
int _oldPosition

Public Member Functions

 SavePosition (BaseLexer< CharSrc > lexer, int lookaheadAmt)
void Dispose ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from Loyc.Syntax.Lexing.BaseLexer< CharSrc >
 BaseLexer (CharSrc chars, string fileName="", int inputPosition=0, bool newSourceFile=true)
 Initializes BaseLexer. More...
virtual void Reset (CharSrc chars, string fileName="", int inputPosition=0, bool newSourceFile=true)
 Reinitializes the object. This method is called by the constructor. More...
SourcePos IndexToLine (int index)
 Returns the position in a source file of the specified index. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public static fields inherited from Loyc.Syntax.Lexing.BaseLexer< CharSrc >
static readonly IMessageSink FormatExceptionErrorSink
 Throws FormatException when it receives an error. Non-errors are sent to MessageSink.Current. More...
- Properties inherited from Loyc.Syntax.Lexing.BaseLexer< CharSrc >
IMessageSink ErrorSink [get, set]
 Gets or sets the object to which error messages are sent. The default object is FormatExceptionErrorSink, which throws FormatException if an error occurs. More...
int LA0 [get, set]
CharSrc CharSource [get]
string FileName [get]
int InputPosition [get, set]
LexerSourceFile< CharSrc > SourceFile [get]
int LineNumber [get]
 Current line number. Starts at 1 for the first line, unless derived class changes it. More...
int LineStartAt [get]
 Index at which the current line started. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Loyc.Syntax.Lexing.BaseLexer< CharSrc >
void Reset ()
int LA (int i)
void Skip ()
 Increments InputPosition. Called by LLLPG when prediction already verified the input (and caller doesn't save LA(0)) More...
virtual void AfterNewline ()
 The lexer must call this method exactly once after it advances past each newline, even inside comments and strings. This method keeps the LineNumber and LineStartAt properties updated. More...
void Newline ()
 Default newline parser that matches '
' or '' unconditionally. More...
void Spaces ()
 Skips past any spaces at the current position. Equivalent to rule Spaces @[ (' '|'')* ] in LLLPG. More...
int MatchAny ()
int Match (HashSet< int > set)
int Match (int a)
int Match (int a, int b)
int Match (int a, int b, int c)
int Match (int a, int b, int c, int d)
int MatchRange (int aLo, int aHi)
int MatchRange (int aLo, int aHi, int bLo, int bHi)
int MatchExcept ()
int MatchExcept (HashSet< int > set)
int MatchExcept (int a)
int MatchExcept (int a, int b)
int MatchExcept (int a, int b, int c)
int MatchExcept (int a, int b, int c, int d)
int MatchExceptRange (int aLo, int aHi)
int MatchExceptRange (int aLo, int aHi, int bLo, int bHi)
bool TryMatch (HashSet< int > set)
bool TryMatch (int a)
bool TryMatch (int a, int b)
bool TryMatch (int a, int b, int c)
bool TryMatch (int a, int b, int c, int d)
bool TryMatchRange (int aLo, int aHi)
bool TryMatchRange (int aLo, int aHi, int bLo, int bHi)
bool TryMatchExcept ()
bool TryMatchExcept (HashSet< int > set)
bool TryMatchExcept (int a)
bool TryMatchExcept (int a, int b)
bool TryMatchExcept (int a, int b, int c)
bool TryMatchExcept (int a, int b, int c, int d)
bool TryMatchExceptRange (int aLo, int aHi)
bool TryMatchExceptRange (int aLo, int aHi, int bLo, int bHi)
virtual void Check (bool expectation, string expectedDescr="")
virtual void Error (int lookaheadIndex, string message)
 This method is called to handle errors that occur during lexing. More...
virtual void Error (int lookaheadIndex, string format, params object[] args)
 This method is called to format and handle errors that occur during lexing. The default implementation sends errors to ErrorSink, which, by default, throws a FormatException. More...
virtual void Error (bool inverted, int range0lo, int range0hi)
virtual void Error (bool inverted, params int[] ranges)
virtual void Error (bool inverted, IList< int > ranges)
virtual void Error (bool inverted, HashSet< int > set)
string RangesToString (IList< int > ranges)
 Converts a list of character ranges to a string, e.g. for input list {'*','*','a','z'}, the output is "'*' 'a'..'z'". More...
void PrintChar (int c, StringBuilder sb)
 Prints a character as a string, e.g. 'a' -> "'a'", with the special value -1 representing EOF, so PrintChar(-1, ...) == "EOF". More...
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from Loyc.Syntax.Lexing.BaseLexer< CharSrc >
static HashSet< int > NewSet (params int[] items)
static HashSet< int > NewSetOfRanges (params int[] ranges)
- Protected fields inherited from Loyc.Syntax.Lexing.BaseLexer< CharSrc >
int CachedBlockSize = 128
int _lineStartAt
int _lineNumber = 1